Dupuis Mécanique’s organisation –
Precision mechanics company in France

Dupuis Mécanique is based on the "extended enterprise principle" and is therefore particularly outward-looking. Driven by a constant pursuit for performance, we want to be flexible and sensitive to our customers’ demands. That's why the place that our machining company in France occupies today is the result of precise adaptations of its organization, both internally and externally.

The internal organisation


Anxious to adopt an internal structure adapted to the requirements of precision mechanics, our machining company in France holds several certifications:

  • ISO 9001 standard: it certifies the application of quality management to improve the performance of the internal organisation of any precision engineering company;
  • EN 9100 standard: it is similar to the previous standard, but is dedicated to the aerospace sector;
  • ISO 14001 standard: in line with the ISO 9001 standard, it takes into account the requirements of quality management, but considers it according to the control of the environmental impacts of the company's activities.

In addition, our machining company in France scrupulously respects the railway requirements of IRIS standard (International Railway Industry Standard). It is based on ISO 9001 standard, applied to the railway sector. Although Dupuis Mécanique no longer holds the IRIS certification, we make a point of maintaining our structure in accordance with the standard’s recommendations.

organisation interne
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supply chain management

Supply chain management

The internal organisation of Dupuis Mécanique has been designed to optimize production and supply circuits. The rules of the supply chain management are scrupulously observed, in order to reach an optimal quality of all logistic levels.

The assurance of a high-performance service is also reflected through adapted equipment. This is why our machining company in France uses software from Computer Assisted Production Management (CMPA), namely Helios, for which we obtained the integration level MRP2. Our structure is, moreover, adapted to the communication by EDI (Exchange of data Computer) with all our principals, for a better comprehension speed and request execution.

The external organisation

Our machining company, in France, has invested in the construction of an extensive workshop alongside partners from the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region, in which we pass on our expertise in adapting mechanical machining.

The operating procedure and the retained requirements are specific to Dupuis Mécanique. We also take responsibility for all products that we manufacture. This is a quality guarantee for all stakeholders in the mechanical machining chain.

Through its external interventions, our machining company in France deploys its know-how and provides a better response to the market, including the merger between our expert skills and our partners’ production capabilities. We thus manage to create a synergy effect, which multiplies the opportunities and satisfies our customers.

organisation externe

See also: